Saturday, September 27, 2008

Boise State Bronco Fans

As BSU fans, I dressed our kids in their outfits to celebrate the victory over the Oregon ducks. GO BRONCOS!!! Isaiah loves to watch the football games with his daddy. I am way out-numbered when it comes to watching TLC over ESPN.

Isaiah and Corban playing with the Leapfrog characters.

Corban took off when I put him in his walker last week. He spends a lot of time running away from Isaiah. Soon, it will be quite the opposite. Our little "tanker" now out weighs his brother by 1/2 a pound.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Girls Night Out!!!

So... I just got back from a well deserved "Girls Night Out." Our husbands watched the kids while we got a pedicure, went to Olive Garden, and saw the movie "Mamma Mia." I am so lucky to have a husband that will let me act like a teenager every once in a while.
