Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where to begin....

Since the birth of Emerson, we have had lots of new things happen in our lives. Let me begin by saying that Emerson is about as perfect as they come. He sleeps and eats really good and has even given us up to 5 hours of sleep at night. He sleeps through his noisy brothers, he catches balls that Corban throws at him, he shares his blankets with Isaiah, and you name it! He is a blessing in our lives!!

Isaiah has been going to developmental school with Ms. Jodie and Ms. Shelly and has loved it. They have been working on social interaction skills with him and he is doing much better! His speech therapist, Ms. Rebekah, has been working with him for about a year and says that his progression is fabulous for a child that is speech delayed. Isaiah is so funny as he is starting to initiate conversations. He is still a little hesitant with Emerson but I occasionally see him touch him and give him kisses! Isaiah loves to read! We read the same books over and over. When he has quiet time, I find him reading the books to Corban, which is hilarious in and of itself because Corban tries sitting on his lap! What would I do without him, he is such a joy in my life!

Mr. Corban keeps me on my toes. He is a very curious little guy and gets into any and everything! The other day I was doing something and smelled this burning smell. Sure enough, Corban had pushed the ottoman into the kitchen, grabbed the butter dish off of the microwave, and put it in the toaster! In the following days, he told me that he needed to go potty and I was feeding Emerson, so I told him to go in the bathroom and take his pants off. And where did I find him, in the tub with the water on. Apparently, he wanted to take a bath! That little buddy loves his brother. Corban doesn't understand that he isn't old enough to do what he wants him to do. He always puts toys in his boppy and then takes them back saying, "my turn." By the way, Corban is a jibber jabber. He is always saying funny things!

Jake is finishing the job on the Idaho State Capitol and so we were in limbo for quite some time about where he would be going! Not knowing, we put our house on the market and luckily it sold very quickly! (We even got out of it a lot more than we thought we would! YEAH) Assuming we would go to Utah, we went there to find a home to rent, without any luck! I was getting really nervous! The following Monday, Jake received a call that he would be going to Utah to work at the University of Utah! We were excited knowing that he would have a job and that everything would be falling into place. Now that everything was in place, we just needed a place to live and we found one in Eagle Mountain, UT. I love it!

I am not going to lie, this month has been very stress filled with the unknowns and getting everything done with three little ones attached to my legs! But, I am grateful for my husband, my family, and my friends that have helped me without hesitation!
Stay tuned for further updates!!


D.Jones said...

Hey Brooke! Congrats on your new little Emerson! He is adorable. All of your boys are adorable! So you are in utah now????That is awesome. What is your husband going to be doing for the university of utah? Good to hear your update. Love the pics.

Julie said...

I was wondering about you and your family! Your boys are so cute and hopefull someday we will see you again!

The Beus Family said...

Such cute family pictures. Miss you, hope all is well.

Staci J said...

Yay!!! You updated your blog! I LOVE your family pictures, sooo cute:) I'm so glad we're neighbors, call for anything you need! Love you